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Strength. Nutrition. lifestyle.
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Training Carly Fleischer Training Carly Fleischer

How Do I Target Belly Fat?

The hard truth is that the only way to target belly fat is to target body fat in general via a calorie deficit. When it comes to body composition, the biggest factor always has been and always will be your NUTRITION.

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Training Carly Fleischer Training Carly Fleischer

What’s The Best Protein Bar?

There are tons of protein bars on the market that all claim to be the BEST; so how do you actually know which ones to buy? When it comes to protein bars, here are 3 of the main criteria I’m usually looking for when perusing the aisles…

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Training Carly Fleischer Training Carly Fleischer

Should I Try A Low Carb Diet?

You’ve probably heard that low carb diets will help you lose weight fast. And while this isn’t untrue, if your goal is fat loss and not just weight loss, low carb diets aren’t the way forward.

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Training Carly Fleischer Training Carly Fleischer

6 Protein Myths Busted

There is so much misinformation floating around about all things fitness and nutrition but I probably hear the most confusion about protein intake… so let’s bust some myths!

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