The Blog
Strength. Nutrition. lifestyle.
Learn and Evolve
This is my most common answer as a health and fitness coach…
If you want to see results in anything, fitness or otherwise, you need to take the approach that’s right for YOU!
How Do I Target Belly Fat?
The hard truth is that the only way to target belly fat is to target body fat in general via a calorie deficit. When it comes to body composition, the biggest factor always has been and always will be your NUTRITION.
How Do I Make Meal Prepping Easier?
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be so complicated! It’s easy to get swept up in elaborate recipes with tons of ingredients, but you can make simple and delicious meals with just 4 components!
Why Do I have Low Back Pain After Deadlifting?
Deadlifts are a powerhouse when it comes to strength training, targeting multiple muscle groups, including your back. So, feeling them in your back isn’t weird — it’s expected!
Here’s Why ‘Starting Over Tomorrow’ Doesn’t Work
Your desire for perfection is what’s making it impossible to stick with the plan long enough to see results. If you start over every time you fall short of perfect, you’re robbing yourself of the ability to ever get close.
What’s The Best Protein Bar?
There are tons of protein bars on the market that all claim to be the BEST; so how do you actually know which ones to buy? When it comes to protein bars, here are 3 of the main criteria I’m usually looking for when perusing the aisles…
What If I Don’t Have Time To Improve My Health?
Do you actually not have time to improve your health? Or do you just have unrealistic expectations of what it requires? You may not have time to do it all, but I know you have time to start!
Am I Eating Too Little To Lose Weight?
Your calorie deficit might actually be slowing down fat loss progress…
Should I Try A Low Carb Diet?
You’ve probably heard that low carb diets will help you lose weight fast. And while this isn’t untrue, if your goal is fat loss and not just weight loss, low carb diets aren’t the way forward.
How Do I Meal Prep Even When I really Don’t Want To?
Tough love moment, your feelings aren’t facts. Stop letting your feelings dictate your actions and instead act the way that you want to feel!
How Do I Manage Emotional Eating?
Spoiler alert, it’s not about the food… it’s about learning to regulate your emotions without it.
How Do I Know What Portion Size I should Be Eating?
The nutrition label doesn’t determine your serving size… you do!
Should I Skip Meals To Lose Weight?
TLDR: No, skipping meals to achieve fat loss isn’t advisable. Read more to learn why!
Can I Lose Weight Without Tracking Macros?
Macro tracking is a useful tool, but it’s not the end all be all of nutritional success.
6 Protein Myths Busted
There is so much misinformation floating around about all things fitness and nutrition but I probably hear the most confusion about protein intake… so let’s bust some myths!
How To Start Doing Something You Really Don’t Want To Do
The trick is just getting started… because that really is the hardest part
What Are The Most Common Macro Tracking Errors?
These are the most common macro tracking errors I see as a nutrition coach. Learn what they are and how to avoid these common pitfalls!
The Key To Results That Last…
The key to results that last is actually enjoying what you’re doing to get those results!
What Should I Look For When Hiring A Coach?
Hiring a coach is a big decision; after all this is the person who you’re asking to help you create your best life! As a coach myself, here are the 5 things I’d be looking for if I was in the market to hire my own online coach.