This is my most common answer as a health and fitness coach…

If you want to see results in anything, fitness or otherwise, you need to take the approach that’s right for YOU! And the approach that’s right for you DEPENDS on a gajillion different factors.

There’s no one right way to do anything! And that’s why the most common thing I say as a fitness coach is “it depends.” It depends on your goals, history, preferences, lifestyle, and 12,000 other things.

The fitness industry is confusing everyone. There are so many “coaches” who make egregious generalized claims in return for views. If you come across anyone whose making generalized claims without first asking you a whole bunch of questions about your history, goals, preferences, lifestyle, availability, injury status, stress levels, and at least a dozen other things… RUN!

My clients can attest to this best but 9 times out of 10 if you ask me a question, my answer is going to be “it depends” followed by a handful of questions. And I get that may sound annoying or like I don’t know what I’m talking about but it’s quite the opposite.

Today I had a client ask me how she can incorporate more veggies into her diet. And the honest answer is I don’t know… until I know why you’re struggling to incorporate more veggies in the first place.

🥦You might not like the taste in which case the answer is improving cooking strategies.

⏲️You might find it too time consuming to prep them in which case the answer might be some form of batch prepping.

💸They might be too expensive in which case the answer might be canned or frozen veggies.

See my point?

If you want to see results in anything, fitness or otherwise, you need to take the approach that’s right for YOU! The approach that’s right for you DEPENDS on a gajillion different factors and as a coach, I’ll never know what approach is right unless I ask!

That’s why coaching with Moxie Barbell is different! If you want to work with someone who really cares about empowering you to find the strategies that work best for YOU, it’s time to schedule your free intro call! Click the button below and let’s chat!


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