20 Habits That Are Making Fat Loss Harder

It’s not impossible to lose weight if you’re doing any of these things, but I promise if you avoid these 20 common pitfalls, it’ll make your fat loss journey significantly easier.

Losing weight is challenging. It’s extra challenging because of the world we live in. The habits that have been normalized by our culture are not conducive to health. Most people are doing most of these things almost daily and even though they seem “normal", I promise you they’re making your health journey harder than it needs to be. So what might you be doing right now that’s making it harder for you to lose weight?

Perhaps you’re…

  • Eating out too much

  • Not drinking enough water

  • Not lifting weights

  • Not eating enough protein 

  • Not eating enough fiber

  • Not getting enough sleep

  • Unreasonable expectations

  • Cutting out whole food groups

  • Not asking for help

  • Fixating on being perfect

  • Drinking your calories (coffee, alcohol, etc.)

  • Not building meals around protein and fiber

  • Too many hyper-palatable foods in the house

  • Not taking movement breaks during the day

  • Focusing more on calories burned than consumed

  • Guessing how many calories are in something

  • Trying never to eat your favorite foods

  • Too many snacks, not enough meals

  • Trying to see results as fast as possible

  • Scale is the only metric for progress

Losing weight doesn’t need to be so hard. But that does mean stepping away from the “norm.” Just because something is “normal” doesn’t mean it’s serving you. I’m not saying you can’t lose weight if you ever do any of these things. But I promise if you avoid these 20 common pitfalls, it’ll make your fat loss journey significantly easier.


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