Here’s Why ‘Starting Over Tomorrow’ Doesn’t Work

Your desire for perfection is what’s making it impossible to stick with the plan long enough to see results. If you start over every time you fall short of perfect, you’re robbing yourself of the ability to ever get close.

Doing something imperfectly doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.

Eating a little more pizza than intended at your kid’s birthday party isn’t the reason why you’re not seeing results.

And neither is that 1 missed workout.

Or that one sedentary day.

It’s the repeated cycle of throwing your hands up and saying “what’s the point?!” I had the extra slice of pizza so I might as well have the ice cream and skip the gym and start over tomorrow. Your desire for perfection is what’s making it impossible to stick with the plan long enough to see results.

Life happens and you’re going to have hard days where you feel like every obstacle has been thrown in your path and things just haven’t gone according to plan. But those off days don’t really matter. One hard day is not the reason why you won’t reach your goals long term. But allowing one hard day to turn into a hard week can be.

Tough love moment - you’ll probably never do anything perfectly. And if you start over every time you fall short of perfect, you’re robbing yourself of the ability to ever get close. One bad day isn’t a reason to throw in the towel; it’s just one day in a sea of pretty solid ones. We can’t control how many obstacles will be thrown our way, but we do get to control how we respond to them and how we bounce back.

Life is messy and you’re going to slip up. It’s not a matter of if - it’s when. If you never learn how to respond during those moments you’ll be stuck in the cycle of feeling like a failure, taking a hiatus, and then resolving to get back on track with no more slip ups. Rinse and repeat.

You don’t need to learn how to work harder and avoid every slip up. You need to learn how to keep moving forward when you do.

Not sure how to pull yourself out of the spiral? That’s where 1:1 coaching comes in! I want to support you through those days so we can navigate them together. After all, every bad day is also a learning opportunity for how to make the next one a little less bad. And that’s what I’m here for; to help you learn and respond a little bit better next time 💜


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