What If I Don’t Have Time To Improve My Health?

Do you actually not have time to improve your health? Or do you just have unrealistic expectations of what it requires? While you may not have time to do it all, I know you have time to start!

You have more time than you think…. And no, I don’t mean that we all have the same 24 hours in a day to smash every single fitness fad that the industry would have you believing you NEED to do for optimal health.

What I mean is that even if you don’t have time for everything, I know you have time for a few valuable actions that will help you become a better version of yourself.

The fitness industry will try to make you believe that in order to improve your health you need to:

  • Wake up at 5am to meditate followed by cold plunge and sauna

  • Train 6 days/week plus extra cardio every day

  • Cut out sugar, dairy, and gluten

  • Spend hours on meal prep

  • Get in bed by 9pm

In reality, you can make massive improvements to your health by:

  • Walking a few extra minutes each day

  • Prioritizing protein and veggies at every meal

  • Strength training a few times a week for 30-45 minutes

  • Drinking a little more water

  • Getting into bed 15 minutes earlier

You may not have time to do it all, but I know you have time to start!

🚗I know you can take 30 seconds to walk from the further spot in the parking lot

🚰I know you have time to drink a glass of water before your coffee

🥦I know you have time to add a veggie to your plate

So pick something that you can confidently do TODAY to take a step towards a healthier you!


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