What Should I Look For When Hiring A Coach?
Hiring a coach is a big decision; after all this is the person who you’re asking to help you create your best life! As a coach myself, here are the 5 things I’d be looking for if I was in the market to hire my own online coach.
Hiring a coach is a big decision; after all this is the person who you’re asking to help you create your best life!
If I was going to hire a coach right now, I’d look for these 5 things:
🔲Someone that isn’t black and white
You want a coach that understands that there isn’t 1 right way to do things. I’d want to find someone that knows that and who is eager to help me find the systems that are best for my life.
✨Someone that meets you where you’re at… and actually knows what that means
A lot of coaches say they’ll do this but don’t actually know how to help someone who isn’t ready to take action right this second. I want to work with someone who knows how to help me get ready to jump in even if I’m not quite there yet
🙋Someone that asks you lots of questions and doesn’t jump to conclusions
This is a big one! I want a coach who is curious and who helps guide me towards understanding why I’ve acted a certain way… not one who just tells me. You learn via reflection and collaboration, not just instructions.
💜Someone that is empathetic and gives you tough love when you need it
Life is hard and there will be times on your journey that you need some compassion and to be reminded of the wins when all you’re seeing is a barrage of challenges. On the flip side, you also need someone who can give you a little kick in the butt when you need it.
🤩Someone you actually like!
Don’t overlook this one! You’re going to spend a lot of time talking with your coach about some intimate details of your life AND you’re going to be seeking advice and support from this person. This is a coaching RELATIONSHIP so it’s pretty important that you genuinely like the human being you’re working with.
My mission as a coach is to embody these key criteria; to be your cheerleader and turn a mirror on you when you need it. To be curious and compassionate about the complexity of your life. To share suggestions while educating and empowering you to create create your own solutions. If you’re looking for a coach like the one I described, I’d love to chat and work together to create the life you’ve always wanted 💜