How Do I Meal Prep Even When I really Don’t Want To?

Tough love moment, your feelings aren’t facts. Stop letting your feelings dictate your actions and instead act the way that you want to feel!

It’s currently 11am on Sunday morning and I’m cuddled up on the couch with Walter. It’s time for me to meal prep and trust me when I say that my desire to go spend 1.5 hours in the kitchen is LOW. But I’m going to do it anyway because I don’t let my feelings dictate my actions. If I did, I would order takeout most nights and eat it while sitting on the couch watching Netflix and spoiler alert, I’d feel like hot garbage.

We all have hundreds (if not thousands) of different feelings each day but tough love moment, we have to stop letting those feelings determine the way that we behave. Instead let’s flip it around and start acting the way that you want to feel!

There is a quite literally a 0% chance that you will ALWAYS FEEL like meal prepping… or going to the gym, or taking a walk, or drinking more water or any of the things that you do feel like doing when you’re your best self. That’s why you owe it to your future self to invert it. Don’t rely on your current feelings to make decisions for you; feelings aren’t facts and more often than not our feelings won’t guide us towards decisions that we’re proud of. But taking value aligned action independent of your current emotions can actually change your feelings in the present moment.

I can feel lazy and tired AND still do my meal prep.

I can feel stressed and overwhelmed AND still prioritize my workout.

And chances are if I actually do those things, I’ll finish the activity feeling way better than when I started. I felt lazy and tired before meal prep, but after I felt energized and productive!

If I only ever acted according to my current emotions, I would be an unproductive blob. But I don’t want to feel like an unproductive blob! I want to feel like a competent, confident, badass woman! And a competent, confident, badass woman would cook her chicken and go for a walk and get to bed by 10pm so she can smash a workout in the morning.

Show up the way that you want to feel!


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