Healthy Eating Isn’t Just About Weight Loss

Eating healthy isn't just for weight loss—it's about building sustainable habits for a healthier lifestyle. Discover how shifting your focus from short-term goals to long-term habits can transform your approach to nutrition.

Eating healthy isn’t just something we do when we want to lose weight. But that’s the problem… our society has normalized unhealthy eating to the extent that eating healthy now seems like an extreme you only resort to when you’re desperate for weight loss.

Eating healthy is about so much more than just losing weight. And if you do avoid eating healthy until you’re ready to for fat loss, it’s not exactly gonna set you up for a successful dieting phase. If you only eat healthy when weight loss is the goal, a few things will happen:

1. You’ll be trying to learn a new skill under more challenging circumstances which will not make it easier

2. You’ll have the association that healthy eating is temporary and it’ll be very hard to maintain any weight lost once you go back to your old way of eating

3. Weight loss takes time! So when you’re faced with Friday night pizza night the motivation to make goal aligned choices will fly out the window because the pay off is months away

That’s why weight loss, or any goal you have, is never just about the outcome. It’s all about the process!

Focus on the day to day habits (aka process) that will allow you to reach your goal (aka outcome) and you’ll not only achieve that goal but you’ll also be able to maintain it once you get there.

And that’s what I do as a coach! Help you build a healthy lifestyle that works for you — if you love the process, the outcome will always follow.


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