One Thing You Need To Know If You’re On A Fat Loss Journey

Your end of diet weight is a lie! The end goal of a successful dieting phase is not that you maintain that scale weight but rather that you maintain your new body composition.

Here’s something that most people on a fat loss journey have no clue about but really need to know:

🚨Your end-of-diet weight is a lie! 🚨

If your expectation is that you will maintain the lowest weight that you hit at the end of your dieting phase, you’re going to be super disappointed, probably feel like a failure, and maybe even fall down the rabbit hole of self sabotage and end up right back at square one.

So here’s what you need to know! At the end of a diet, it makes sense that you weigh so little because you have less food in your stomach, less glycogen in your muscles and liver, less water, and less waste. As you return to maintenance and start eating more, you’ll now be holding more food, glycogen, water, and waste… and that all weighs something!

You have to remember that weight gain is not the same thing as fat gain! Even though you’ve been conditioned to use the scale as the ultimate metric for success, your goal isn’t actually to see the lowest number possible. Your goal is to have the best body composition possible!

The end goal of a successful dieting phase is not that you maintain that scale weight but rather that you maintain your new body composition. And most importantly that you maintain that body composition while actually enjoying your life and eating foods you love without the same restriction that’s required for fat loss.

I know it’s uncomfortable to see the scale number increase after weeks or months of tracking its downward progress, but just because something is uncomfortable doesn’t automatically mean it’s bad or wrong. As long as you’re maintaining body composition, the scale weight is frankly irrelevant.

Don’t let the scale fool you. It’s time to focus on what really matters—how you feel, how you move, and actually enjoying your life 🙌


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