How To Increase Your Step Count!?

We all know that we should probably be moving more throughout the day, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we know how. Here are some practical tips for moving your body more throughout the day!

We all know that we should probably be moving more throughout the day, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we know how. Step count is a great proxy for how much movement you’re getting outside of structured exercise. That movement outside of the gym, (i.e. non-exercise activity thermogenesis {NEAT}) is the largest contributor to TDEE that we can control. Regardless of your goals, moving your body throughout the day is IMPORTANT! But why should you care…?

Simply put... movement matters! Even if you're exercising 3-5 times/week, the other 15 waking hours each day play a massive role in our overall health and well being. As humans, we are much less active than we used to be because the world we live in is set up to provide us with everything that we need at the touch of a button. Regular daily movement yields better body composition outcomes, improves cardiovascular health, and will help compound all the other healthy habits you're likely working to establish.

Thresholds for evaluating your current activity level based on the number of steps you get each day

You've probably heard that 10k is the golden number of steps each day. In reality, anything above 7,500 is great! Obviously the more steps the better in terms of total contribution to Total Daily Energy Expenditure, but there are no additional longevity or health benefits beyond 7,500 steps per day. Evaluate your starting point based on the activity chart to the left and aim to start by adding 500 extra steps at a time. So if you're starting at 5k, next week aim for 5,500 daily. Keep that up until it's a habit and then add more!

Practical Tips For Getting More Steps

Movement can come in any form; I recommend doing something that you enjoy and look forward to (walking the dog, hiking, swimming, biking, etc.). But it doesn't have to be structured exercise; there are tons of small daily shifts that you can make as well!

  • Incorporate 5-10 minute walks throughout the day (ex: after meals or bathroom breaks)

  • Take walking meetings when possible

  • Take an extra lap around the grocery store or Target when you're running errands

  • Set a reminder on your phone at the start of each hour or opt to take a lap every time you use the bathroom

  • Pace the gym in between sets

  • Add 10-15 minutes of cardio pre-workout as part of your warm-up

  • Start slow; commit to an extra 500 steps/day and once that's a habit then add more


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