How to build confidence in the gym

Walking into the gym for the first time can feel intimidating; here are 5 tips that will help you build confidence in the gym!

Carly Fleischer, Moxie Barbell Head Coach, spotting a client bench pressing at the gym

I get it… walking into the gym for the first time can feel daunting. There’s a ton of different equipment, there’s probably at least one dude grunting loudly on the cable machine, and you’re convinced that everyone is watching you. 

Trust me, I’ve been there! I started my fitness journey in college, which meant I was training at the University gym full of athletes and worse… people that I actually knew. I was convinced that I’d walk in, everyone would stare me down and realize that I had no idea what I was doing and laugh uncontrollably. Luckily the horror movie playing out in my head wasn’t the reality, but it did scare me into cramming a few dumbbells into the corner of the gym where I could quietly do my pseudo HIIT workout unbothered. 

It wasn’t until I found a lifting partner (shoutout to my now husband) that I ventured out into the free weights area and actually started to experiment and have fun. My goal is to help every person walk into the gym with confidence… but where do you even start?! Here’s a few tips to help you learn to build confidence in the gym:

5 Ways To Build Confidence In the Gym

  1. Remind yourself that everyone started exactly where you are right now

    1. It’s easy to look around at the sea of gym goers and envy their muscles and know-how. But remember, they were also beginners at one point! We all have to go through this intimidating learning period to grow.

  2. Train with friends

    1. This was the biggest game changer for me! Seek out a lifting buddy so you’re not alone. This can either be someone with a bit more experience who can show you the ropes or a fellow beginner who can experiment with you!

  3. Avoid peak hours

    1. Often the scariest thing about starting at the gym is the feeling that everyone is judging you. Avoid that feeling all together by training during off hours. You can always ask the trainers for the least busy times so that you can use those pockets to get comfortable.

  4. Try new things

    1. It can be tempting to gravitate towards the same 5 exercises that you know how to do, but trying new things is the only way that you’ll learn and ultimately get more comfortable.

  5. Seek out a coach

    1. Working with a coach is an awesome way to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. A coach will provide you with a detailed training program so that you know exactly what to do when you get to the gym. They’ll also include videos and form tips that you can review beforehand so that you can walk in with confidence and get to work.

The best way to build confidence in the gym is just to start. Yes it can be intimidating, uncomfortable, and maybe a tad awkward but your goals are always more important than any of those temporary discomforts.


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