5 Habits That Changed MY Life

Change your habits change your life! These small changes to my daily routine have compounded and made a massive impact on my health and happiness!

My daily habits are EVERYTHING!

Small changes make a big difference. None of these habits are huge on their own, but together they have made a huge impact on my life and are the reason why I’m able to stay so consistent. These things have become such an engrained part of my routine that they’re almost automatic. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always effortless and there are still days now when it isn’t. But I know these non-negotiable always make me feel my best and it’s easy to stick with small things that make such a big impact on my life.

Your daily habits don’t have to be the same as mine. These are my non negotiables that set me up for success. Think about what you want your life to look like; maybe you want to have more energy, spend more time in nature, or look in the mirror and feel strong and confident. Now work backwards; what can you do today to support that long term goal? Try to think of 1 or 2 little things you can start doing today that will take you a step closer to that outcome.

Daily Habits That Changed My Life

1. Outdoor Walks

  • Spending time outside every day does wonders for my mental health. It helps me disconnect from work, stay grounded in the present moment, and enjoy time with Mr. Walter. Without these it would be easy to never stand up from my desk. This is intentional time for me to move my body and reset my brain. By taking 3-4 walks of 15-20 minutes each day, I rack up over 3 miles of extra movement!

2. Pre-Plan Meals

  • Not winging my nutrition has been the single biggest contributing factor to my dietary consistency in the past few years. Even though I’m a seasoned macro tracker and meal prepper, if I don’t take a few minutes to plan what I think I’m going to eat during the day I almost always end up way under or over at least one of my macro targets.

  • Taking 2-3 minutes the night before or in the morning to think about what meals sound yummy and filling is the number one hack that sets me up for success. This is especially helpful if you know you’re going out to eat too. It lets you plan the rest of the day accordingly so I can live my life AND fuel myself with foods that make me feel my best

3. Batch Prepping

  • Spending even 30 minutes at the start of the week preparing foods that are easy to grab from the fridge is a game changer because it makes it very convenient to make healthy decisions. I usually pre-cut and cook 1-2 protein sources, pre-cut all my veggies, and wash fruit so it’s ready to grab from the fridge and throw together in a pinch! Convenience doesn’t have to be unhealthy!

4. Consistent Bed and wake Times

  • I’m definitely not perfect at this one, but in general I try to keep my routine similar all 7 days a week. This helps me stay consistent and not be absolutely exhausted on Monday because I stayed up and woke up late all weekend making it hard to fall asleep Sunday night. I’ve also grown to love waking up earlier on the weekends so that I can really take advantage of my time to recharge!

5. Minimizing Alcohol Intake

  • I’ll be honest, this one kind of happened naturally since I really don’t love the way that alcohol makes me feel. For me, drinking usually leads to a cascade of other choices that don’t make me feel my best (poor food choices, dehydration, less sleep, less movement). I now limit alcohol to times when I really want it and not just because it’s there. Living close to Napa, I choose to drink when it means a trip to the vineyards or a nice glass of wine at home but so long are the days of weeknight and binge drinking. I just feel better when it’s kept to a minimum!

Habits are a huge part of the Moxie Barbell coaching journey. We work together on establishing manageable habits that stack together to make a big dent in your goals. If you need some help figuring out what your non-negotiable habits are, let’s tackle it together!


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